پانزدهمین کنفرانس بین المللی سیستمها و فناوری های الکترونیک قدرت و محرکه های الکتریکی
سال:1402 - دوره:15 - پانزدهمين كنفرانس بین المللی سيستمها و فناوری های الكترونيك قدرت و محركه های الكتريكی - کد همایش: 02231-27898
a 17-level single dc source switched-capacitor-based multilevel inverter with self voltage balancing
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a bi-mechanism approach for the detection of inter-turn faults in bldc machines using autocorrelation and harmonic indices
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a control approach for reducing components stress of power supplies with pulsed load
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a fault location scheme for distribution networks with inverter-based resources
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a framework for assessing harmonic effects on transformers under various loading conditions
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a general pattern-based optimization of pm for axial-flux magnetic gear
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a high-voltage dc power supply with extremely low ripple for traveling wave tubes
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a method for motor synchronous transfer in cascaded npc-bridge-based drive systems
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a new multilevel inverter topology with limited switching component
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a novel high gain transformerless dc-dc converter with continuous input and output currents
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a novel model predictive control for three-phase split-source inverter with reduced common-mode voltage
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a novel rscc for balancing the series connected battery cells voltages
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a novel soft-switched quasi-resonant bidirectional dc/dc converter for electric vehicle application
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a novel topology of quasi-resonant dc-dc boost converter for electric vehicle charging stations
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a sequence component-based feature for passive and artificial-intelligence-based islanding detection
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a step-up dc-dc converter with high voltage gain suitable for renewable energy sources
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a triple-winding coupled inductor-based step-up dc-dc converter with high voltage gain and common ground
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analysis and design of a high step-up coupled-inductor dc-dc converter with a voltage multiplier
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analysis of voltage ripple in a floated high voltage dc power supply
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capacitor voltage ripple reduction in modular multilevel converters in drive application
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cogging torque reduction of a bldc motor used for evaporative water coolers
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comparison of different permanent magnet arrangements in e-type outer-rotor doubly-salient motors
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cost and reliability design consideration for chb-based converter based on decomposition optimization
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creative hybrid teaching method for attractive engineering education: boost converter case study
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design and implementation of a robust controller for single inverter dual induction motor drives under heavy unbalanced load in electric trains
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direct integration of rooftop photovoltaic generatin in electric railway systems: optimizing power flow and efficiency
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double switch high step-up dc-dc converter based on two-winding coupled inductor
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dynamic response improvement to load disturbance of model-free predictive controlled pmsms by integral sliding mode controller
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flying capacitor clamped current source inverter with improved reliability
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hybrid excited two-phase switched reluctance motor with improved torque characteristics
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implementing igbt-based dc/dc converters for advanced control of dc traction motors in train refurbishment
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investigation of rcd snubber voltage balancing technique for series-connected igbts in inverters
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modular multilevel converter current control using linear matrix inequality (lmi) approach
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new method of optimizing solar energy prediction through simultaneous calculations of fuzzy logic and mean error percentage
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nonlinear fault ride-through of grid forming converters with power synchronization control
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optimal design and analysis of a less-rare-earth hybrid pm magnetic gear
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performance improvement of coaxial magnetic gear with asymmetric rotor structure
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proposal of winding arrangements for the wr synchros to facilitate the 3-phase to 2-phase conversion without scott-t transformer
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reducing of circulating current in parallel interleaved converters with modified svm strategy
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roof-top solar photovoltaic integration on trains supplying auxiliary power systems: a real case study
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simple and efficient structure for power cycling of the igbt in a single-phase h-bridge inverter with online measurement of the aging precursors
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soft-switched dual-input single-output dc/dc converter with hybrid voltage multiplier
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soft-switching ultra-high step-up dc-dc converter featuring coupled inductor and low voltage stress on switches
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study of a reliable buck topology for high step- down dc-dc power conversion
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study of the effect of the number of flux-barrier layers on von-mises stress distribution in the rotor core of a synchronous reluctance motor
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switching phase shift to improve performance three phase transformer for klystron amplifier
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totem-pole pfc rectifier current spike investigation and mitigation using predictive control
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wireless power transfer based on improved multilevel inverter fed by z-source network
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