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   traditional and integrative medicine   
سال:2023 - دوره:8 - شماره:1

  tick  antinociceptive effects of paeonia daurica subsp. macrophylla root extracts in mice - صفحه:10-15

  tick  brain structural response and neurobehavior changes in the elderly after tai chi practice - a literature review - صفحه:86-96

  tick  cannabis sativa l.: a review on traditional uses, botany, phytochemistry, and pharmacological aspects - صفحه:97-116

  tick  comparison of horse and cow milk on the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children: a cross-over clinical trial study - صفحه:48-55

  tick  development, characterization, and in vitro antimicrobial activity of lawsonia inermis l. leaves hydroalcoholic extract-based vaginal suppositories - صفحه:16-25

  tick  diuretic effect of the aqueous extract of cymbopogon nardus(l.) rendle compared with furosemide in wistar rats - صفحه:26-31

  tick  earthworm as a peripheral nerve regeneration biomaterial: a comprehensive review - صفحه:77-85

  tick  effect of the hydroalcoholic extract from the leafy stems of waltheria indica l. (malvaceae) on acetylcholine and barium chloride-induced contractions on isolated rat tracheal tissue - صفحه:40-47

  tick  ethnopharmacological survey of medicinal plants used in the management of skin-related conditions in ilorin, north-central, nigeria - صفحه:56-76

  tick  letter to the editor: historical relationship between cardia and heart - صفحه:1-2

  tick  the effect of passiflora foetida l. leaves decoction on blood pressure profile and its correlation with the demographics of hypertensive patients - صفحه:32-39

  tick  the efficacy of a persian medicine-based dietary protocol on hospitalized covid-19 patients: a randomized controlled trial - صفحه:3-9

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