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   archives of anesthesiology and critical care   
سال:2022 - دوره:8 - شماره:Supplement

  tick  a comparative randomized control study of continuous spinal anaesthesia with continuous epidural anaesthesia in elderly patients undergoing dynamic hip screw surgeries - صفحه:387-392

  tick  anesthesia management in patient with plasminogen deficiency for cesarean section (c/s): a case report - صفحه:413-415

  tick  anesthetic management of achondroplastic dwarf with difficult airway for cadaveric renal transplantation: a case report - صفحه:416-419

  tick  anesthetic management of an infant with bilateral radial dysplasia and isolated patent ductus arteriosus: a case report and brief review of literature - صفحه:423-425

  tick  comparing the effects of perineural magnesium sulphate with intravenous magnesium sulphate as an adjuvant to bupivacaine in usg guided supraclavicular block - صفحه:407-412

  tick  comparison of crystalloid preloading with co-loading on maternal hemodynamics in elective lower segment caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia - صفحه:348-353

  tick  comparison of truview® video laryngoscopy with conventional macintosh direct laryngoscopy for orotracheal intubation: a randomized controlled trial - صفحه:370-376

  tick  comparison the effect of changing from the supine to lateral position and vice versa on plethysmographic variability index and hemodynamic values assessed by ultrasonic cardiac output monitors in patients who undergo thoracotomy - صفحه:354-357

  tick  effects of virtual reality technology on knowledge, attitudes, and skills of anesthesia residents - صفحه:358-363

  tick  efficacy of oral pregabalin premedication as an adjuvant to fentanyl in patients undergoing major surgeries under general anesthesia: an observational study - صفحه:393-398

  tick  evaluation of the effect of transversus abdominis plane (tap) block on post-laparoscopic cholecystectomy stress responses: a randomized controlled trial - صفحه:399-406

  tick  graded epidural anaesthesia as the sole anaesthetic technique for bilateral total knee replacement in a patient with low ejection fraction: a case report - صفحه:420-422

  tick  hemodynamic effects of prophylactic administration of vasopressin in patients undergoing off pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery: a randomized control double blind interventional study - صفحه:377-382

  tick  perioperative concerns in a parturient with hereditary spherocytosis for lower segment cesarean section - صفحه:426-427

  tick  to study the efficacy of granisetron and granisetron plus dexamethasone in preventing the incidence of nausea and vomiting in patients undergoing laparoscopic surgeries - صفحه:364-369

  tick  which criterion is appropriate for laryngeal mask airway size in women: weight or height? - صفحه:383-386

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