journal of food quality and hazards control
سال:2019 - دوره:6 - شماره:3
a brief summary scheme of algerian traditional dairy products
- صفحه:80-81
acrylamide content in food commodities consumed in north macedonia and its risk assessment in the population
- صفحه:101-108
evaluation of class 1 and 2 integrons and antibiotic resistance pattern in salmonella enterica isolated from diarrheal food-borne outbreaks in iran
- صفحه:109-114
fluoroquinolone residues in fish collected from farms and retail stores in stara zagora region, bulgaria
- صفحه:128-132
microbial contamination of handmade sauce used by street food vendors in jashore, bangladesh
- صفحه:115-120
predicting of the quality attributes of orange fruit using hyperspectral images
- صفحه:82-92
properties of some commercial honeys available in mexican market: effect of overheating on quality of the packaged honey
- صفحه:93-100
the risk assessment of sulphite intake through dried fruit consumption in hamadan, iran
- صفحه:121-127
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