journal of operation and automation in power engineering
سال:2025 - دوره:13 - شماره:3
a cost-effective trade-off in distribution system expansion planning between construction of conventional/renewable distributed energy sources in long term
- صفحه:196-205
a low input current ripple high step-up dc-dc converter with reduced voltage stress for renewable energy application
- صفحه:223-230
a novel meter placement algorithm based on monte carlo coupled state estimation and iterative nonlinear mesh adaptive direct search
- صفحه:184-195
cogging force reduction in pmlsms using segmented magnets
- صفحه:206-211
identification of an appropriate operating strategy under abt for frequency regulation in a non-linear multisource power system linked through a hybrid ac/dc tie-line
- صفحه:212-222
islanding detection of synchronous generator in distribution network based on machine learning methods
- صفحه:231-237
performance improvement of combined wind farms using ann-based statcom and grey wolf optimization-based tuning
- صفحه:248-254
review of electric vehicle traction motors, control systems, and various implementation cards
- صفحه:238-247
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