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   scientia iranica   
سال:2016 - دوره:23 - شماره:6-A

  tick  A comparison of five different models in predicting the shear stress distribution in straight compound channels - صفحه:2536-2545

  tick  A methodology for value based seismic design of structures by the endurance time method - صفحه:2514-2527

  tick  Determination of the pollution control flow for drought management in a multi-reservoir system - صفحه:2528-2535

  tick  Dispersion of surface waves in a transversely isotropic half-space underlying a liquid layer - صفحه:2469-2477

  tick  Evaluation of safety risks in construction using Fuzzy Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FFMEA) - صفحه:2546-2556

  tick  Fuzzy supervisory control of a seismic shake table - صفحه:2451-2457

  tick  Nanosilica effects on mechanical properties of concrete in crude oil products environment - صفحه:2557-2564

  tick  Neurocomputing in civil infrastructure - صفحه:2417-2428

  tick  Performance evaluation of curved welded flange-plate beam-to-column connections - صفحه:2494-2505

  tick  Prediction of lightweight aggregate concrete compressive strength using ultrasonic pulse velocity test through gene expression programming - صفحه:2506-2513

  tick  RPIM and RPIM-MLS-based MDLSM method for the solution to elasticity problems - صفحه:2458-2468

  tick  Satellite and ground-based assessment of Middle East meteorological parameters impact on dust activities in western Iran - صفحه:2478-2493

  tick  The effect of fuzzy controller on damage of steel structure considering structural uncertainties - صفحه:2441-2450

  tick  The effects of drivers' behavior on driver-injury severities in Iran: An application of the mixed-logit model - صفحه:2429-2440

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