scientia iranica
سال:2014 - دوره:21 - شماره:2- A
Change point of river stream ow in Turkey
- صفحه:306-317
Charged system search and particle swarm optimization hybridized for optimal design of engineering structures
- صفحه:295-305
Experimental study of local scour around a vertical pier in cohesive soils
- صفحه:241-250
Hydraulics of slope erosion by overland ow A case study: Nnobi-Onitsha hillslope site, Anambra state S.E. Nigeria
- صفحه:251-262
Lattice Boltzmann method for simulating impulsive water waves generated by landslides
- صفحه:318-328
On the vibration of a thin rectangular plate carrying a moving oscillator
- صفحه:284-294
Performance evaluation of a facultative aerated lagoon for the purpose of reviewing the design parameters
- صفحه:231-240
Prediction of roadway accident frequencies: Count regressions versus machine learning models
- صفحه:263-275
Progressive collapse of framed structures: Suggestions for robustness assessment
- صفحه:329-338
The usability of earthquake resistant steel bars as shear connectors in composite structures
- صفحه:276-283
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