civil engineering infrastructures journal
سال:2017 - دوره:50 - شماره:1
a road map for civil engineers towards bridge engineering through academic education and professional training
- صفحه:51-73
bearing capacity of shallow foundations on cohesionless soils: a random forest based approach
- صفحه:35-49
concrete filled tubular bracing subjected to cyclic loading
- صفحه:165-177
coupled be-fe scheme for three-dimensional dynamic interaction of a transversely isotropic half-space with a flexible structure
- صفحه:95-118
cyclic loading tests for cold-formed steel wall frames with lightweight concrete
- صفحه:119-133
estimation and evaluation of greenhouse gas emissions during the life-cycle of wastewater pipelines: case study of tehran, iran
- صفحه:191-206
gis-based multi criteria evaluation for thermal power plant site selection in kahnuj county, se iran
- صفحه:179-189
impact of tamper shape on the efficiency and vibrations induced during dynamic compaction of dry sands by 3d finite element modeling
- صفحه:151-163
investigating the performance characteristics of asphaltic concrete containing nano-silica
- صفحه:75-93
performancebased plastic design of moment framesteel plate shear wall as a dual system
- صفحه:21-34
study on fundamental frequencies of cylindrical storage tanks obtained from codes and finite element method
- صفحه:135-149
using different methods of nanofabrication as a new way to activate supplementary cementitious materials; a review
- صفحه:1-19
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