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   blood products utilization status in off-pump cardiac surgery patients  
نویسنده chegini azita ,alaei mastaneh ,jahangiryan afsaneh ,zadsar maryam
منبع international journal of hematology-oncology and stem cell research - 2023 - دوره : 17 - شماره : 3 - صفحه:200 -209
چکیده    Background: transfusion support has an essential role in coronary artery bypass graft (cabg). the time-honored gold standard for cabg is the on-pump procedure (oncab); however, off-pump coronary artery bypass (opcab) is also a safe, cost-benefit procedure with fewer blood transfusion requirements. this study was performed to evaluate transfusion patterns in opcab due to the diversity of transfusion practices. materials and methods: this retrospective study was performed to determine the transfusion rate and triggers in opcab patients. medical files of all patients undergoing opcab surgery at sanandaj tohid hospital in 2014 were reviewed. patients’ demographics data, preoperative laboratory tests (pt, aptt, hb, hct, platelet count), underlying medical conditions, and their possible relation to further transfusions and the ward department in which the transfusion had taken place were extracted. spss 16 chicago software, t-student test, one way anova, and χ2 exam were applied for data analysis. p values ≤0.05was considered significant. results: among 91 elective opcab patients: 28(30.8%) women and 63(69.2%) men with mean age of 64.80±9.02 years, 63(69.23%) received a blood product. mean utilization of prbc, ffp, platelet, and cryoprecipitate were 2.17±2.044, 2.46±2.86, 2.86±3.80 and 0.40±2.10 units, respectively. icu revealed the highest consumption rate for all products. female sex (p<0.001), hypertension (p=0.002), and low hemoglobin(p=0.004) were noted as predictive factors for transfusion. conclusion: this study concluded that the transfusion rate in opcab is still very high in iran (regarding a study in a countryside hospital) and that the highest utilization rate is seen in the icu.
کلیدواژه cardiac surgical procedure; blood transfusion; coronary artery bypass; off-pump
آدرس high institute for research and education in transfusion medicine (ibto), blood transfusion research center, iran, high institute for research and education in transfusion medicine (ibto), blood transfusion research center, iran, high institute for research and education in transfusion medicine, blood transfusion research center, iran, high institute for research and education in transfusion medicine (ibto), blood transfusion research center, iran
پست الکترونیکی maryam.zad@gmail.com

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