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   prioritizing tourism destination waterfall for tourism investment and development in lorestan province, iran  
نویسنده moridsadat pegah ,roumiani ahmad ,sanaei moghaddam soroush
منبع sustainable earth trends - 2021 - دوره : 1 - شماره : 3 - صفحه:46 -54
چکیده    Tourism is a key strategy of development in all international to the local level. it uses human and natural capacities and attractions and improves sustainable development indicators like diversifying economic diversification, job and income generation, empowering local people, preserving human and natural heritage, equitable distribution of income, infrastructure and services, reducing emigration, etc. waterfalls and cascades as considerable natural attractions are some of the interesting tourism sources around the world that attract domestic and foreign tourists. realizing this potential depends on appropriate investment that needs identifying and introducing their relative advantages. so, the purpose of this study is to prioritize tourism destination waterfalls in lorestan province to introduce them for investment, so to be a stimulating factor for the regional economy and also better planning for tourism-based development in the province. this is applied and descriptive-analytical. documentary and field study used to data gathering and the electre techniques to analyze the data. the findings showed that nojian waterfall was the priority for investment and development of tourism in lorestan province.
کلیدواژه electre ,investment ,lorestan ,tourism ,waterfalls
آدرس shahid beheshti university, faculty of earth sciences, department of human geography and spatial planning, iran, ferdowsi university of mashhad, faculty of letters and humanities, department of geography and rural planning, iran, shahid beheshti university, faculty of earth sciences, department of human geography and spatial planning, iran
پست الکترونیکی seroushsanaei7@gmail.com

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