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   parotidectomy surgical simulation and education with a three-dimensional printed face model for iraqi surgeons  
نویسنده lafta hassanain ali ,madlol ali
منبع frontiers in biomedical technologies - 2024 - دوره : 11 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:162 -168
چکیده    Purpose: parotidectomy is usually suggested for many persons with parotid gland tumors. facial nerve weakening is the most concerning of the potential consequences related to parotidectomy, resulting in a significantly reduced patient quality of life. with preoperative preparation and surgical training and simulation, a three-dimensional (3d) printed human face anatomical model has just been designed and fabricated.materials and methods: fifteen surgeons from iraqi teaching hospitals evaluated the simulator model by using a likert scale survey. the model is composed of a silicon based human face replica with an incorporated parotid gland replica and a closed electrical circuit of the facial nerve course to show when contact is made between the surgical instrument and the nerve to provide feedback.results and conclusion: all participants gave favorable feedback. significant levels of satisfaction with the designed simulator have been relatively achieved. in comparison to experts, novice surgeons scored less for skin realism and handling. such a difference suggests that the proposed simulator appears to have the potential to contribute to the advancement of surgical simulation, education, and planning.
کلیدواژه 3d printing ,face model ,facial nerve ,parotidectomy ,surgical simulation ,education
آدرس al-nahrain university, college of engineering, biomedical engineering department, iraq, al-nahrain university, college of engineering, biomedical engineering department, iraq
پست الکترونیکی ali.a.madlol@ced.nahrainuniv.edu.iq

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