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   advanced noise-optimized dual-energy virtual monochromatic imaging vs. conventional 120-kvp ct imaging: image quality assessment  
نویسنده honardari adnan ,bitarafan-rajabi ahmad ,solgi razieh ,shakeri mahsa ,rezaei-kalantari kiara ,ghadiri hossein
منبع frontiers in biomedical technologies - 2021 - دوره : 8 - شماره : 4 - صفحه:253 -260
چکیده    Purpose: this study aimed at evaluating the image quality characteristics of advanced noise-optimized and traditional virtual monochromatic images compared with conventional 120-kvp images from second-generation dual-source ct.materials and methods: for spiral scans six syringes filled with diluted iodine contrast material (1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20 mg i/ml) were inserted into the test phantom and scanned with a second-generation dual-source ct in both single-energy (120-kvp) and dual-energy modes. images set contain conventional single-energy 120-kvp, and virtual monochromatic were reconstructed with energies ranging from 40 to 190-kev in 1-kev steps. an energy-domain noise reduction algorithm was applied and the mean ct number, image noise, and iodine cnr were calculated. results: the iodine ct number of conventional 120-kvp images compared with monochromatic of 40-, 50-, 60- and 70-kev images showed increase. the improvement ratio of image noise on advanced virtual monochromatic images (avmis) compared with the traditional virtual monochromatic images (tvmis) at energies of 40-, 50-, 60, 70-kev was 52.9%, 35.7%, 8.1%, 2.1%, respectively. at avmis from 75- to 190-kev, the image noise value was less than conventional 120-kvp images. cnr improvement ratio at 20 mg/ml of iodinated contrast material for tvmis and avmis compared to 120-kvp ct images and avmis compared to tvmi was 18.3% and 56.3%, 32.1% respectively. conclusion: both tvmis (in energies ranging from 54 to 71-kev) and avmis (in energies ranging from 40 to 74-kev) represent improvement in the iodine contrast-to-noise ratio than conventional 120-kvp ct images for the same radiation dose. also, avmis compared to tvmis have been obtained considerable noise reduction and cnr improvement for low-energy virtual monochromatic images. in the present study, we show that virtual monochromatic image and its advanced version (avmi) may boost the dual-energy ct advantages by providing higher cnr images in the same exposure value compared to routinely acquired single-energy ct images.
کلیدواژه dual-source computed tomography; dual energy computed tomography; advanced virtual monochromatic images; traditional virtual monochromatic images; contrast-to-noise ratio
آدرس tehran university of medical sciences, school of medicine, research center for molecular and cellular imaging, department of medical physics and biomedical engineering, iran, iran university of medical sciences, cardiovascular intervention research center, rajaie cardiovascular medical and research center, echocardiography research center, iran, tehran university of medical sciences, preclinical core facility, iran, tehran university of medical sciences, school of medicine, research center for molecular and cellular imaging, department of medical physics and biomedical engineering, iran, iran university of medical sciences, rajaie cardiovascular medical and research center, iran, tehran university of medical sciences, school of medicine, research center for molecular and cellular imaging, preclinical core facility, department of medical physics and biomedical engineering, iran
پست الکترونیکی h-ghadiri@tums.ac.ir

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