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   magnetic particle imaging and its application  
نویسنده ghorbani farzaneh ,seyedi somayyeh ,montazerabadi alireza
منبع frontiers in biomedical technologies - 2021 - دوره : 8 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:143 -150
چکیده    Magnetic particle imaging was introduced in 2005 as a new tomographic medical imaging modality and is still under development. magnetic particle imaging determines the spatial distribution of magnetic nanoparticles by their interaction with an external excitation magnetic field. therefore, there is no ionizing radiation dose in this trace-based modality. magnetic nanoparticle imaging provides characteristics, including high spatial and temporal resolution, high sensitivity, expected from an ideal imaging method, and it is also an inherently quantitative method. in this paper, the properties of magnetic fields and particles used in magnetic particle imaging, as well as its applications are discussed.
کلیدواژه magnetic particle imaging; magnetic nanoparticles; superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles; functional imaging; tomography
آدرس mashhad university of medical sciences, student research committee, research center of medical physics, department of medical physics, iran, mashhad university of medical sciences, research center of medical physics, department of medical physics, iran, mashhad university of medical sciences, research center of medical physics, department of medical physics, iran
پست الکترونیکی alireza.montazerabadi@gmail.com

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