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   the impact of transcranial brain stimulation combined with cognitive training on attention and working memory: a review of literature  
نویسنده kheirkhah mohammad taghi ,shekarro masoud ,mirchi zahra ,gharibzadeh shahriar
منبع frontiers in biomedical technologies - 2023 - دوره : 10 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:221 -233
چکیده    Studies conducted on both normal and abnormal samples have shown transcranial brain stimulation to be effective in improving cognitive functioning. meanwhile, the behavioral training of cognitive skills has been found to be effective as well. to enhance or rehabilitate core cognitive processes, neuropsychologists and clinicians usually use either one of these or a combination of both. in this study, we reviewed the literature to investigate the effects of brain stimulation alone or combined with cognitive training on attention and working memory. it was concluded that the combined method can be more effective than brain stimulation alone. however, there is no sufficient evidence to make a conclusive statement.
کلیدواژه transcranial brain stimulation ,cognitive training ,attention ,working memory
آدرس shahid behesti university, institute for cognitive and brain sciences, iran, university of tehran, department of psychology and special education, iran, ferdowsi university of mashhad, department of education and psychology, iran, shahid beheshti university, institute for cognitive and brain sciences, iran
پست الکترونیکی s_gharibzade@sbu.ac.ir

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