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   capture γ-ray dose equivalent at double-bend maze entrance: monte carlo simulation and analytical methods and measurements  
نویسنده eghdam-zamiri reza ,ghiasi hosein
منبع frontiers in biomedical technologies - 2023 - دوره : 10 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:21 -26
چکیده    Purpose: the production of the secondary neutron in the high-energy megavoltage medical accelerator machines has been extensively studied. in this study, mcnp5 mc code and two analytical methods, the proposed method and international atomic energy agency (iaea) 47 proposed method were used to capture γ-ray dose equivalent calculation.materials and methods: mcnp5 code of the mc simulation method was used for code calculation in this study. the main components of a varian 2100clinac were simulated as well as a 30×30×30 cm3 water phantom, in a source to surface distance (ssd) of 100cm. apparent neutron source strength (qn) was obtained using f1, *f8 tallies, and a small scoring cell at the isocenter with a mass equal to 0.625g.results: qn was obtained as 1.25 n/gy x for the simulated linear accelerators )linac ( head and was used in the other calculations. in the simulated double-bend maze treatment room with first and second lengths of the maze as 7m and 3m, the proposed method calculated capture γ-ray dose with 6.2% and 60% differences compared with mc simulation and iaea 47 methods, respectively.conclusion: we concluded that ghiasi and mesbahi's proposed method performed better in capturing γ-ray dose equivalent calculation compared to iaea 47 report. the proposed method reduced the difference from 60% to 6.2%.
کلیدواژه monte carlo ,capture gamma-ray ,dose equivalent ,photon ,neutron
آدرس tabriz university of medical sciences, medical school, radio-oncology department, iran, tabriz university of medical sciences, medical radiation sciences research team, iran
پست الکترونیکی hoseinghiasi62@gmail.com

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