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   lotus-invivo micro computed tomography system for imaging of small animals and ex-vivo biological samples  
نویسنده fouladi mohmmadreza ,gholami kamran ,ghadiri hossein
منبع frontiers in biomedical technologies - 2020 - دوره : 7 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:134 -137
چکیده    X-ray computed tomography (ct), e.g. clinical ct scanners, basically provide linear attenuation coefficients (lacs) of objects under study by the means of algorithmic reconstruction of acquired views of attenuated x-ray passing through the samples in different angles around the imaged sample. micro computed tomography (micro-ct) basically works the same as clinical ct. it provides volumetric information representing the inner structure of objects with a resolution in the micron range. lotus-invivo is a micro-ct scanner dedicated for imaging of small animals and ex-vivo biological samples. in the present study the spatial resolution and low contrast detectability (lcd) of lotus-invivo scanner were evaluated using standard phantoms. we aimed to prove the capability of lotus-invivo for small animal and ex-vivo biological samples imaging using the measured image quality parameters, i.e. spatial resolution and low contrast detectability. by the means of analysis of bar and lcd phantom images, the limiting resolution of lotus-invivo micro-ct scanner was measured about 2.7 µm and has been shown that it’s capable of resolving sizes greater than 12.5 µm. also, we concluded that lotus-invivo is capable of discriminating tissues with 3% differences in contrast relative to the background, for 1 mm bar size. thus, the provided technical characteristics in this study have made lotus-invivo as a suitable tool for small animal imaging.
کلیدواژه lotus-invivo ,micro- computed tomography ,tomography ,small animal imaging ,image quality
آدرس tehran university of medical sciences, research center for molecular and cellular imaging, department of medical physics and biomedical engineering, iran, tehran university of medical sciences, research center for molecular and cellular imaging, iran, tehran university of medical sciences, research center for molecular and cellular imaging, department of medical physics and biomedical engineering, iran
پست الکترونیکی h-ghadiri@tums.ac.ir

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