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   the mediating role of job resilience in the agricultural innovation and entrepreneurship  
نویسنده ghodrati parisa ,zand azita
منبع agricultural marketing and commercialization journal - 2023 - دوره : 7 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:171 -185
چکیده    The present study investigates the mediating role of job resilience in the relationship between organizational innovation and entrepreneurship in islamshahr municipality. the present study is a descriptive-correlational study conducted using a survey method. the statistical population of this study included 308 employees of islamshahr municipality and its affiliated organizations. using the krejcie and morgan table and given the statistical population size, the number of samples was estimated at 175 people. the samples were selected using the stratified random sampling method. the primary research tools were questionnaires. to measure organizational entrepreneurship, the margaret hill questionnaire was used. to measure organizational innovation, crossan and apaydin organizational innovation questionnaire and suzbilir’s innovation capacity questionnaire were used. to measure job resilience, the connor-davidson resilience questionnaire was used. the structural equation modeling by the partial least squares method was used to analyze the data. organizational innovation with a path coefficient of 0.398 has a positive and significant effect on organizational entrepreneurship. organizational innovation with a path coefficient of 0.502 has a positive and significant effect on job resilience. job resilience with a path coefficient of 0.279 has a positive and significant effect on organizational entrepreneurship and the variables of organizational innovation and job resilience explain a total of 76.5% of the changes in organizational entrepreneurship. given the significance of job resilience in strengthening the relationship between innovation and organizational entrepreneurship in islamshahr municipality, managers should pay attention to these variables to improve the current situation.
کلیدواژه job resilience ,organizational innovation ,entrepreneurship ,islamshahr municipality
آدرس islamic azad university, islamshahr branch, department of agricultural, iran, islamic azad university, islamshahr branch, department of agricultural, iran
پست الکترونیکی azitazand@gmail.com

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