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   content analysis of food industries marketing by focus on new trends  
نویسنده rezaei sara
منبع agricultural marketing and commercialization journal - 2023 - دوره : 7 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:128 -143
چکیده    The food industry is undergoing changes. consumers are seeking food products that are both tasty and healthy, as well as sustainable and authentic. new opportunities for the development of food products are opened up by new developments in farming, food processing, and retailing. food marketing faces a significant challenge in bridging these challenges and opportunities. the food industry is an essential part of many countries’ national economies, as it plays a crucial role in processing agricultural raw materials and providing food supplies. food industry companies recognize innovation as a crucial tool to stand out from competitors and meet consumer expectations. functional foods are playing an important role in this regard, as shown by their increasing demand caused by the rising cost of healthcare, improve their people’s quality of life and there has been a steady increase in life expectancy.
کلیدواژه content analysis ,food industries ,marketing ,new trends
آدرس tehran university, department of agricultural extension and education, iran
پست الکترونیکی sa.rezaei33@gmail.com

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