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   sociological analysis of comparison of consumption patterns among occupational classes (case study: ministry of economic affairs and finance and tax affairs organization of the country)  
نویسنده qasemi akbar ,ghadimi bahram ,shirzad hadi ,nikfarjam zohreh ,shayegan fariba
منبع agricultural marketing and commercialization journal - 2023 - دوره : 7 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:97 -115
چکیده    Today, consumption has become one of the most important global issues, so the importance of consumption is so much that some define their way of life based on it. consumption patterns are stable social behaviors related to the consumption of various goods, food, clothing, and other cultural items in society. therefore, according to the importance of the issue of consumption, this research deals with the sociological analysis of the comparison of consumption patterns among job classes in the ministry of economic affairs and finance and comparison with the country’s tax affairs organization. the type of research is applied and based on an analytical survey method. a questionnaire was used to collect information. the results showed that the snack meal is observed more among the diploma and sub-diploma people. less than half of the respondents pay attention to nutrients in food consumption. this issue is more common among men and those with sufficient income. the results showed that rice has the highest presence in the daily food basket of employees. on the other hand, the consumption of fish meat is less than other items. there is more consumption of soft drinks among the first occupational class and consumption of red meat among the sixth occupational class. people of the sixth class, who are part of the upper economic classes, consume less grains than others. the results showed that the attitude of the respondents regarding the consumption of foreign and domestic goods is negative only to differentiate themselves from others. women (76.1%) use foreign clothes more than men (56.4%) due to their quality.
کلیدواژه consumption patterns ,clothing patterns and artistic tastes ,ministry of economic affairs and finance
آدرس islamic azad university, science and research branch, department of social sciences, iran, islamic azad university, department of social sciences, science and research unit, iran, research institute of law enforcement sciences and social studies of the law enforcement force of the islamic republic of iran., iran, islamic azad university, yadgar imam khomeini branch, department of islamic jurisprudence and law, iran, amin university of police sciences, department of sociology, iran

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