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   Designing the Pattern of Administering Reform Policies in the Islamic Republic of Iran's Administrative System  
نویسنده vaziri shabnam ,salajegheh sanjar ,beigzadeh farzaneh ,pourkiani masoud
منبع agricultural marketing and commercialization journal - 2020 - دوره : 4 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:190 -209
چکیده    The policy making of the reform of the administrative system, which can be considered as effective in the efforts of the government to rule, is one of the major areas of political science and public administration. the purpose of this research is to design a native model for the implementation of the policy of reform in the administrative system of the islamic republic of iran. the present research is based on the quantitative and qualitative research methodology, in terms of purpose, applied development, and a descriptive survey type-correlation method. a questionnaire was designed for this purpose and designed for questionnaire design using 19 identification variables in the literature and the background of research and opinion of experts. a 400-person questionnaire was selected among managers in three levels of excellent, middle and lower levels in government departments of golestan province using a disproportionate strain sampling method. the results showed that 19 variables were identified in three components: content, structure and ground. the results of path analysis indicated that structural factors are related to the implementation of the policy of evolution in the administrative system, but the content and ground factors are not related to the implementation of the policy of evolution. the development of each country is closely linked to its administrative system and its effectiveness and, in essence, the model of development that its administrative system is subordinated to. therefore, suggestions were made to create a suitable platform for implementation of the future reform policy
کلیدواژه Administrative Reform ,Policy Implementation ,Content Factors ,Structural Factors ,Ground
آدرس islamic azad university, kerman branch, department of management, Iran, islamic azad university, kerman branch, department of management, iran, islamic azad university, kerman branch, department of management, iran, islamic azad university, kerman branch, department of management, iran

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