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   Explaining Public Trust As A Consequence of Modern Public Management in Implementing the Policies of the Health and Medical Education System  
نویسنده meftah niusha ,pourkiani masoud ,amiri aflatoon ,sheikhi ayyub
منبع agricultural marketing and commercialization journal - 2020 - دوره : 4 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:169 -189
چکیده    The purpose of the present research is to explain public trust as a consequence of modern public management (participation, accountability and citizen's satisfaction) in implementing the policies of the health and medical education system. the statistical population of the research in the process of implementing the model consists of two groups. the statistical sample were estimated to be 262 people using cochran's formula based on the quota stratified sampling method, which was upgraded to 400 people due to the reversibility rate of the questionnaires and more confidence of the sample. data was collected by questionnaire whose content and structure validity as well as their internal consistency were investigated and confirmed and collected, using structural equation modeling at 95% confidence level. the results showed that there is a significant relationship between participatory public management and citizen's satisfaction and the mediating role of accountability in the health and medical education system. also, participatory public management, accountability and citizen's satisfaction had a significant relationship with public trust in the health and medical education system. in addition, public trust as a consequence of modern public management had a significant relationship with the implementation of the policy of the health and medical education system. finally, there was a significant relationship between the implementation of the policy of health and medical education system and the effectiveness of health and medical education system. while confirming the theoretical results and empirical consistency of the designed model, there was a perfect alignment between the modern public management and public trust with the implementation of the policy of health system and its effectiveness.
کلیدواژه Participation ,Accountability ,Citizen's Satisfaction ,Public Trust ,Health System Policies
آدرس islamic azad university, kerman branch, department of management, Iran, islamic azad university, kerman branch, department of management, Iran, islamic azad university, kerman branch, department of management, Iran, shahid bahonar university of kerman, faculty of mathematics and computer, department of statistics, Iran

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