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   Studying the Status of Insurance Employees Stress Components and their Management in the Social Security Organization  
نویسنده shojaeian reza ,sayadi saeed ,bigzadeh abbasi farzaneh ,manzari tavakoli hamdollah
منبع agricultural marketing and commercialization journal - 2020 - دوره : 4 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:137 -145
چکیده    The workplace of insurance employees of the social security organization is a stressful environment and these conditions have reduced their performance, so the present study aimed to investigate whether the components of stress of insurance employees and their management in the insurance organization of iran have a desirable social status. this research is applied in terms of purpose and is survey in terms of method. the statistical population included all employees and managers of the social security organization of iran that based on cochran's formula 464 people were selected and 232 individuals were selected by stratified random sampling method appropriate to the size of the population. a researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect the required data. the stress-related factors questionnaire included 72 questions and the stress management questionnaire consisted of 24 questions. the content validity of the stress-related factors and stress management questionnaire were 0.91.5 and 0.92.1, respectively, and their reliability was calculated to be 99.1 and 94.6, which was greater than 0.7 and was acceptable. data analysis was performed using t-test by applying spss software. considering that the significance level of the test (0.000) was less than the level of 0.001, according to the obtained means for the variables, it can be said that the status of the components of stress of insurance staff and stress management were desirable. the status of the stress components of insurance employees and their stress management was not so high that we could able to say that these factors are performed well in this organization. therefore, managers are advised to pay more attention to individual, occupational, managerial, organizational and environmental stress-related factors in their organization.
کلیدواژه Employees Stress ,Insurance ,Social Security Organization
آدرس islamic azad university, kerman branch, department of management, Iran, islamic azad university, kerman branch, department of management, Iran, islamic azad university, kerman branch, department of management, Iran, islamic azad university, kerman branch, department of management, Iran

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