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   Identifying and Prioritizing the Components of Organizational Excellence Model in Bushehr Maritime Command  
نویسنده khorshidi mohammad musa ,taheri abdul mohammad ,ghasemi zad alireza
منبع agricultural marketing and commercialization journal - 2020 - دوره : 4 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:109 -120
چکیده    This article aims to identify and prioritize components of the organizational excellence model in the marine command of bushehr. the present study is a applied research based on qualitative research method (delphi). the statistical population of this study consisted of all personnel, commanders and managers of marine command in bushehr province. sample size was determined by purposive random sampling method and 15 persons were selected. a four-step process was used to construct the questionnaire and identify the dimensions and components of employee performance evaluation that led to the identification of the components and the development of the research tool. the data collection method included library studies, interviews, delphi method and questionnaire. delphi method and kendall's coefficient were used for analyzing the interviews and hierarchical analysis was used to identify and prioritize the components. the results obtained from the delphi method show that all of the proposed indices were averaged over 4.5 (four and five tenths) and therefore all model indices were approved and accepted by experts and also the component of individual role in mission and value performance. organizational leadership is the most important component of the mean rating (7.46). also, the results of prioritizing the hierarchical analysis show that the role of the individual in acquiring and improving the knowledge and competence of the organization is more important than the other components in the domain of employees (0.621).
کلیدواژه Naval Command ,Organizational Excellence Model ,Prioritizing Organizational Excellence Model.
آدرس islamic azad university, kazerun branch, department of educational administration, Iran, islamic azad university, shiraz branch, department of educational administration, iran, islamic azad university, kazerun branch, departments of educational administration, iran

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