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   Identification and clustering internal stimuli on theeffectiveness of advertisement by using Delphi method and perceptron neural network (Case study on sports retailers)  
نویسنده taefi tara ,mirabi vahid reza ,bazaee ghasem ali ,sarmad saeidi soheil
منبع agricultural marketing and commercialization journal - 2020 - دوره : 4 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:92 -108
چکیده    Jay conrad levinson describes in his book 20th-century marketing that the application and the real purpose of guerrilla marketing advertisements are to use simple and modern tools and ideas for audience absorption by spending less money to reach more profitability. effectiveness of guerrilla marketing detected by studying distinctions through recognizing internal stimuli. the intention of the article is identification and clustering internal stimuli on the effectiveness of advertisement by using the delphi method and perceptron neural network. the method of research combined in terms of functional goal, descriptive survey performance, and it's nature. twentyperson from the qualitative part of the statistical society of the professors and activists in the field of advertisement and marketing chosen to be panel members through purposeful and non-random sampling. components recognized after getting kendall coefficient 0/95 in the third round by using the delphi method. respectively attitudinal variables with psychological motivations indicators, namely, hedonism, and sectarianism, also from a technical prospect with components namely convenience and accessibility, perceived usefulness, and personality variable by recognizing personality types by using myers- briggs type indicator from panel members point of view is efficient on the effectiveness of guerrilla marketing advertisements in sports retailers. in order to design and rank recognized components in the quantitative research section, sports retailers' customers in tehran province, which numbered 1000 people, and their information already registered in the system, chosen as statistical society. by taking advantage of cochran formula and class sampling, 277 people finally chosen as samples. at the binging myers- briggs type indicator with 70 specialized and close-ended questions has been used in order to determine personality types and then, after determining personality types, the intended questionnaire containing 25 specialized and closeended questions with 5-point likert scale given to model members. through using perceptron neural networks with %92 fit, two hidden neuron layers, and an outer layer with 4 neurons, based on the linear relation between guerrilla marketing advertisements, attitude, and personality with four separate strategies, the relation between attitude components and personality types clustered.
کلیدواژه Attitude ,Guerrilla Advertising ,Internal Stimuli ,Myers-Briggs Personality Test ,Perceptron NeuralNetwork
آدرس islamic azad university, central tehran branch, department of business management, Iran, islamic azad university, central tehran branch, department of business management, iran, islamic azad university, central tehran branch, department of business management, iran, islamic azad university, central tehran branch, department of business management, Iran

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