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   the role of sukuk and mortgages in financing azad university projects  
نویسنده gheysaran maryam ,moghadam abdolkarim ,pifeh ahmad
منبع agricultural marketing and commercialization journal - 2021 - دوره : 5 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:100 -121
چکیده    The existence of various financial instruments in the securities market brings more motivation and participation of people in financing long-term economic activities. there are different ways to finance business activities that different organizations can use to finance them. therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the role of sukuk and mortgage securities in financing azad university projects. the statistical population is all employees in the field of headquarters, financial management, credit management, investment department, managers, and deputies of the islamic azad university, which in the time frame of the research in 2020 was conducted by a probabilistic method and was estimated at 145 people. in order to collect data, a questionnaire was used which confirmed the face validity of the case and 93.9% reliability, and was analyzed by spss and pls software. according to the opinions of experts, the results of rank and importance about sukuk instruments and mortgages as well as the results of the structural model of sukuk have the highest direct effect and the futures contract has the lowest effect on the financing of islamic azad university development projects. the results of research hypotheses indicate the impact and significant role of sukuk and mortgage instruments in the development projects of islamic azad university.
کلیدواژه development projects ,islamic azad university ,mortgages ,sukuk instruments
آدرس islamic azad university, zahedan branch, department of accounting, iran, payame noor university, accounting department, iran, sistan and baluchestan university, accounting department, iran
پست الکترونیکی pifeh@acc.usb.ac.ir

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