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   factor analysis of factors affecting the success of the performance of board members of rural, manufacturing, and agricultural cooperatives (idmo city)  
نویسنده al-hamouli mahmoud m. ,yassen heba s. ,mohamed faiza a.
منبع agricultural marketing and commercialization journal - 2021 - دوره : 5 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:138 -152
چکیده    The study aims were to investigate the factors affecting the causes of the success of the social and economic performance of board members of rural cooperatives and production and agriculture in the idmo city by the descriptive-correlation method. the statistical population of the study includes all rural cooperatives in this city (18 cooperatives with 86 ceos). a questionnaire was used to collect information. the obtained results show that in four steps, the variables “economic factors, socio-cultural factors, managerial factors, personality factors” were entered into the equation, respectively. in total, the value of the multiple correlations coefficients (r) was equal to 0.708 and the coefficient of determination was equal to 0.501, which indicates that 50% of the changes of the dependent variable is explained by the changes of the named independent variables.
کلیدواژه rural and agricultural production cooperatives ,social and economic performance ,board members
آدرس national research centre, plant nutrition dept., egypt, kafr el-sheikh university, agriculture faculty, egypt, national research centre (nrc), field crops department, egypt

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