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   identify the components of meaningful marketing hierarchy  
نویسنده hajirasouliha mahsan ,kheiri bahram ,momeni mandan
منبع agricultural marketing and commercialization journal - 2021 - دوره : 5 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:122 -137
چکیده    The paradigm shift in marketing science in recent years has highlighted the need for fundamental reform in this concept, these changes necessitate the need to rethink more about marketing. therefore, one of the concepts proposed to achieve this important, is to provide a model for the concept of meaningful marketing. the purpose of this study is to identify the dimensions and components of meaningful marketing hierarchy. with a qualitative approach of several methods based on contextual-phenomenological theory and through in-depth interviews with researchers and professors in the fields of business management, sociology, psychology, ethics and philosophy, the dimensions and components of the meaningful marketing hierarchy are identified. participants were selected through a purposive sampling process and the interviews were continued until theoretical saturation was reached and finally 27 interviews were conducted. for data analysis, principles related to contextual theory were used. the results of data coding led to the identification of three concepts that were classified into three categories. accordingly, the dimensions of the meaningful marketing hierarchy are: achievement-oriented marketing, connection-oriented marketing, solution-oriented marketing. one of the four goals and responsibilities of marketing science is to improve the quality of life of individuals and because the dominant paradigms of this science do not meet the changing needs of today’s human beings, attention to creating meaning in this concept can be examined. in this regard, the present study has identified the dimensions and components of the meaningful marketing hierarchy.
کلیدواژه meaningful marketing ,achievement-oriented marketing ,connection-oriented marketing ,solution-oriented marketing
آدرس islamic azad university, central tehran branch, department of marketing management, iran, islamic azad university, central tehran branch, department of business management, iran, islamic azad university, central tehran branch, 3department of human resources development, iran
پست الکترونیکی mandanmomeni@yahoo.com

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