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   explaining the relationship between the personality traits of policymakers and job motivation (based on jihadi management in revolutionary institutions)  
نویسنده raesi ali ,manzari tavakoli hamdollah ,kamali mohammad jalal ,salajegheh sanjar ,bagheri mahdi mohammad
منبع agricultural marketing and commercialization journal - 2020 - دوره : 4 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:71 -82
چکیده    The aim of this study was to explain the relationship between personality traits of policymakers and their job motivation based on jihadi management in revolutionary institutions (to provide an appropriate model). this research is correlational-descriptive in terms of nature and applied in terms of objective and survey in terms of method. the statistical population of the present study includes 152 managers and deputies of revolutionary institutions, selected by a census method.  in the present study, using library studies and experts’ opinions, the personality traits of policymakers based on jihadi management, 17 components were identified and 52 questions were designed. to measure job motivation, hukman oldham model, including five components of skill diversity, task identity, task importance, independence, and feedback was used. cronbach’s alpha coefficient of the questionnaire was estimated to be higher than 0.7, which indicated that the reliability was confirmed.  structural equation modeling (sem) was used to analyze the data in smart pls software. confirming the proposed research model, the results showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between the personality traits of policymakers and their job motivation based on jihadi management.  also, among personality traits, trust in god, commitment, being revolutionary, belief in guardianship of the islamic jurist, self-confidence, innovation and creativity, courage and determination, success-seeking, sincerity, generosity, perseverance and double effort, awareness and knowledge seeking, responsibility, kindness, risk-taking, independence-seeking, consultability have a positive and significant relationship with their job motivation based on jihadi management in revolutionary institutions.
کلیدواژه personality traits ,policymakers ,job motivation ,jihadi management
آدرس islamic azad university, kerman branch, department of management, iran, islamic azad university, kerman branch, department of management, iran, islamic azad university, kerman branch, department of management, iran, islamic azad university, kerman branch, department of management, iran, islamic azad university, kerman branch, department of management, iran
پست الکترونیکی mahdi_moba@yahoo.com

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