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   providing a lean leadership model (a comparative study of islamic azad universities and state universities of fars province)  
نویسنده akbari nasir ,pourkiani masoud ,sayadi saeed ,salajegheh sanjar ,sheykhi ayob
منبع agricultural marketing and commercialization journal - 2020 - دوره : 4 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:58 -70
چکیده    The purpose of the present research is to design a lean leadership model. lean leadership components were identified through exploratory studies and polling the experts’ opinions using delphi technique; then these factors were tested in the form of a model designed in the target population. the statistical population of the research consists of three groups. the first group consisted of experts; 31 comments were used to design the template. the second group consisted of the staff of the azad university out of which 240 were selected and the third group consisted of the staff of the state university of which 282 were selected as sample. this research is descriptive that has been done as a survey. the method of data collection in this research is a combination of library and field studies. confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modeling, and one-sample t-test were used to analyze the data. the research findings, while confirming the proposed model, showed that lean leadership includes commitment to self-development, development of others, persistency in lean thinking, daily support of continuous improvement, effective listening, creating outlook, aligning goals with outlook, defining effective propelling organizational values components.
کلیدواژه adaptation ,leadership ,lean leadership
آدرس islamic azad university, kerman branch, department of management, iran, islamic azad university, kerman branch, department of management, iran, islamic azad university, kerman branch, department of management, iran, islamic azad university, kerman branch, department of management, iran, shahid bahonar university of kerman, faculty of mathematics and computer, department of statistics, iran
پست الکترونیکی sheikhy.a@uk.ac.ir

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