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   the effect of concept map training on increasing self-directed learning in thinking and commercial media literacy course  
نویسنده malekzadeh nabiollah ,ghasemizad alireza ,taheri abdolmohammad ,mashayekh pari
منبع agricultural marketing and commercialization journal - 2020 - دوره : 4 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:161 -171
چکیده    The current study aimed to compare the effect of using concept map teaching and traditional education on improving self-directed learning indicators of high school students in the thinking and media literacy course. the experimental and control groups via the quasi-experimental research method were used. three classrooms were selected by purposive sampling as random arrangement (one concept map presentation class, one concept map presentation, and one construction class, and one control class). the course materials in the presentation and construction (combined) group were offered to the learners in the form of a concept map. using the teacher-made and combined concept map method, the experimental groups were trained in 8 sessions separately and the control group was trained in the traditional method. in all groups, the fisher et al., a standard questionnaire was used to assess students’ self-directed learning preparation. the research findings revealed that using teacher-made and combined concept maps has increased and improved the self-directed learning index and the traditional training has had a significant effect on the components of self-directed learning. the results disclosed that teaching by concept map method in a combined and teacher-made manner had a significant effect on the self-learning of all of them.
کلیدواژه concept map ,lecture method ,presentation and construction of concept map ,self-directed learning
آدرس islamic azad university, kazerun branch, department of educational administration, iran, islamic azad university, kazerun branch, department of educational administration, iran, islamic azad university, shiraz branch, department of educational administration, iran, islamic azad university, kazerun branch, department of educational administration, iran
پست الکترونیکی pmashayekh19@gmail.com

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