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   the impact of international marketing on improving the export performance of agricultural exporting companies  
نویسنده tavassoli mitra ,azad naser
منبع agricultural marketing and commercialization journal - 2021 - دوره : 5 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:48 -61
چکیده    The introduction and methodology of research state that the impact of international marketing on the improvement of export performance of agricultural exporting companies. the study population is managers, deputies, supervisors, and agricultural exporting companies in iran.  in the study168 people participated by random sampling method. this study is a descriptive survey design. the study measures are customer orientation, behavioral commitment, communication, export performance (margin, capability of payment and complaints), firm size, environmental uncertainties, and length of the relationship. the reliability and content, face, and construct validity are evaluated using cronbach’s alpha and confirmatory factor analysis. the results showed acceptable reliability and validity of measures. in order to analyze data, the path analysis method was used with lisrel software. the results showed that the effect of customer orientation on relationship and behavioral commitment and the effect of communication have positive and significant on behavioral commitment and export performance. the relationship between clients’ orientations has positive and significant on improving export performance. the effect of the relationship and size of the firm has positive and significant on the earnings but it affects the ability to pay and complaints have a positive and significant on the environmental ambiguity of earnings and complaints but it has an effect on the ability.
کلیدواژه customer orientation ,communication ,behavioral commitment ,export performance ,firm size
آدرس islamic azad university, south tehran branch, iran, faculty member of islamic azad university, south tehran branch, department of business management, iran
پست الکترونیکی n_azad@azad.ac.ir

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