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   designing thermal map of organizational intelligence on managerial styles of managers (green space organization of tehran)  
نویسنده arfaee masoumeh ,dehyouri sahar ,zand azita
منبع agricultural marketing and commercialization journal - 2021 - دوره : 5 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:1 -13
چکیده    Organizational intelligence is regarded as an important and necessary strategy for maintaining the competitive advantage of developed organizations and industries also as a necessity for obtaining more productivity in small and medium-size enterprises. in order to improve organization management, it is necessary for attention to organizational intelligence. on this basis, the present research examines the influence of organizational intelligence on managerial styles of managers of the green space organization of tehran, and 102 managers of the green space organization of tehran were selected by simple random method. the present research from viewpoint of data collection is regarded as non-empirical (descriptive) research and research data were collected by a survey that is the mixture of 2 scales by using a questionnaire designed by the researcher in relation to managerial styles and an organizational intelligence questionnaire by karl albrecht. results of research data analysis show that by benefiting from techniques of descriptive statistics and structural equation model, the organizational intelligence of managers was at a relatively suitable level and their managerial styles were at an acceptable level; moreover, organizational intelligence with a path coefficient of 0.85 is regarded as a suitable variable for anticipating styles of organizational management and describes 73% changes of variance of variable and finally, some recommendations based on research findings were offered.
کلیدواژه green space ,managerial styles ,organizational intelligence ,structural model ,tehran province
آدرس islamic azad university , ashtian branch, department of agriculture, iran, islamic azad university, islamshahr branch, department of agriculture, iran, islamic azad university, islamshahr branch, department of agriculture and integrated cropping research, iran
پست الکترونیکی azitazand@gmail.com

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