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   the exploration of the effective management characteristics on the greenhouse efficiency in the greenhouse town of zaporizhzhia  
نویسنده vyshnevska maryna ,gerasymchuk nataliia ,sabluk vasil ,baida ziv ,borysenko myrin ,voitovska oksana
منبع agricultural marketing and commercialization journal - 2021 - دوره : 5 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:154 -164
چکیده    The agriculture sector is greatly dependent on energy consumption in order to respond to the growing food need of the earth and provide adequate and appropriate food. considering the limited natural resources and adverse impacts of improper use of different energy sources on human and environmental health necessitate the exploration of energy consumption patterns in the agriculture sector. many domestic and foreign studies have been conducted on efficiency so far. the objective of the present study was to explore the effective management characteristics of greenhouse efficiency. efficiency in the sense of producing higher quality goods in the shortest possible time is divided into three types: technical, locative, and economic. technical efficiency specifies the highest production rate that can be acquired by a certain number of production factors. this research was carried out through a field study. 38 greenhouse samples were selected from the greenhouse town of zaporizhzhia county. data analysis was done using random boundary function and dea pattern through eviews, spss, and frontier. according to the results, among the effective factors on growth, if chemical fertilizer, pesticide, area, and irrigation are used more by one percent, the production will increase by 14.5, 42.1, and 1.5 percent, respectively. numbers -8.44, -6.01, and -33.33 which were respectively acquired for the labor force, pesticide, and area under cultivation, indicate that these inputs have had negative production elasticity for unknown reasons. moreover, the results showed a relationship between educational level and efficiency by 0.332. finally, according to the mean of 0.68, it can be mentioned that the technical efficiency of the studied greenhouses was not low.
کلیدواژه management characteristics ,technical efficiency ,greenhouse ,zaporizhzhia
آدرس institute of bioenergy crops and sugar beet naas, ukraine, uman national university of horticulture, ukraine, uman national university of horticulture, ukraine, uman national university of horticulture, ukraine, institute of bioenergy crops and sugar beet naas, ukraine, institute of bioenergy crops and sugar beet naas, ukraine

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