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   the role of social media on the purchase intention of customers with ir-mci numbers (case of study: iranian tea)  
نویسنده basir shayan ,azadehdel mohammadreza ,ooshaksaraei maryam
منبع agricultural marketing and commercialization journal - 2023 - دوره : 7 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:68 -77
چکیده    The current research has been done with the aim of studying the effect of social media on customers’ brand attitudes and purchase intention. this research is applied research in which customers of all tea brands in chain stores were selected as the statistical population of the research, and 277 customers were selected as the statistical sample of the research. the required data were collected through a questionnaire tool, whose content validity and reliability were also confirmed by emphasizing internal consistency through cronbach’s alpha, and were analyzed using spss 24 and smart pls. the findings indicate the confirmation of the significant effect of marketing through social media on brand attitude and purchase intention of costumes to buy iranian tea, as well as the confirmation of the effect of brand attitude on the purchase intention and finally the role of brand attitude in the relationship between marketing through social media on the customer’s purchase intention have been confirmed.
کلیدواژه brand attitude ,purchase intention ,social media ,tea
آدرس islamic azad university, rasht branch, department of business administration, iran, islamic azad university, rasht branch, department of public administration, iran, islamic azad university, rasht branch, department of industrial management, iran

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