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   marketing, organizational innovation in landscape sector of municipality  
نویسنده na’alah abdol-rashed
منبع agricultural marketing and commercialization journal - 2023 - دوره : 7 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:159 -172
چکیده    The present study reviewing the relationship between organizational innovation and marketing in abuja municipality. the present study is a review article conducted using the internet and library researching.be that as it may, whereas most of those considers did not constrain their scales to the executed urban arranged zones, others did not conduct a coordinate comparison between the watched urban green space and those assigned by urban plans. moreover, the affiliation between the observed urban green spaces which of the urban arrange was evaluated and compared. the urban improvement stage i-ii (covering around 171.66 km2) of the government capital city (fcc), abuja, nigeria was chosen for this ponder since urban arranging has been executed within the region. this connected nature consider considers both subjective and quantitative approaches with exploratory and expressive purposes as it’s investigate strategy. a study tended to directors of 10 level municipality was conducted. information examination was carried out in two stages: within the subjective arrange, content analysis of the meet was performed, whereas within the quantitative organize, an expressive quantitative examination through relationship measurements was utilized, in arrange to distinguish the level of relationship between the factors of the hypothetical build. subjective organization revealed that the degree of green space contributed to progress along innovation and marketing functions. the quantitative comes about distinguished connections among the factors named yearly turnover, number of workers and sum contributed in promoting development. in expansion, relationships were too watched among the factors talented workforce and sum contributed both in item and organizational development, and a relationship was recognized between sum contributed in item advancement and sum contributed in promoting advancement.
کلیدواژه organizational innovation ,abuja municipality ,marketing
آدرس university of abuja, department of management, iran
پست الکترونیکی abdol-rashed.mangement@gmail.com

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