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   test of the effect of access, use and skills in the field of information and communication technology and the variable of the ratio of liquidity to gdp on the employment rate of the brics countries and iran  
نویسنده naghdi fardin ,bagheri akbar
منبع agricultural marketing and commercialization journal - 2023 - دوره : 7 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:119 -130
چکیده    The main goal of this research is to test the effect of the degree of access, use and skill in the field of information andcommunication technology and the variable ratio of liquidity to gdp on the employment rate of brics membercountries and iran. for this purpose, in the first step, the generalities of the research and the literature and thebackground of the research have been reviewed. then, based on the information collected from the data of the researchvariables for the period from 2002 to 2020, a research model was designed for 5 brics countries (brazil, russia,india, china and south africa) and iran. in the next step, in order to analyze the data (test the research hypotheses),the panel model was aligned using the random effects method. the results show that all research hypotheses wereconfirmed. in other words, it can be said, the degree of development of ict (degree of access), e-commerce (use andskills in the field of ict), the ratio of liquidity to gdp (financial development), foreign direct investment, researchand development expenses, labor and capital. it has a significant impact on the employment rate in brics membercountries and iran. at the end, the research results and suggestions based on it are presented.
کلیدواژه degree of access ,financial development ,research and development expenses ,labor and capital ,employment rate ,brics agreement
آدرس islamic azad university, islamshahr branch, department of economics, iran, islamic azad university, islamshahr branch, department of economics, iran
پست الکترونیکی parsabagheri20@yahoo.com

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