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   the effect of exchange rate volatility on marketing and profitability of companies agricultural  
نویسنده maghsoudi nasrollah
منبع agricultural marketing and commercialization journal - 2022 - دوره : 6 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:66 -77
چکیده    The stock exchange market is a subset of the economy and a component of the capital market. the economy, especially the iranian stock market, has been affected more deeply than other countries due to us sanctions because concerns about capital devaluation are associated with fears due to economic instability. variations in return on investment risk caused by macroeconomic variables might alter investment options. this research aimed to evaluate the exchange rate volatility on financial leverage and profitability of companies listed in the tehran stock exchange. therefore, a model was estimated to examine the research objectives using annual data of companies listed in the tehran stock product in 2015-2020 through the panel data regression method and eviews software. the results indicated that exchange rate volatility positively and significantly affected financial leverage. in addition, stock product volatility had a negative and significant effect on the profitability of companies.
کلیدواژه financial leverage ,profitability ,stock product
آدرس islamic azad university, islamshahr branch, department of economic, iran
پست الکترونیکی dr_n_maghsoudi@yahoo.com

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