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   analysis of farm management with emphasis on agricultural estate  
نویسنده nawar jaafaar ,awad mohammed e.
منبع agricultural marketing and commercialization journal - 2022 - دوره : 6 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:194 -203
چکیده    The risky nature of agricultural activity prompts farmers to manage and control the adverse effects of natural and economic risk factors on yield and income fluctuations by applying and testing various managerial approaches. this study aimed to analyze farming management with an emphasis on farming estates. to fulfill this objective, essential managerial skills, agricultural risk management process and its advantages, improvement in risk management decisions, farming estates, and their organizational structure were studied using the library research method. according to the literature, farming estates have attracted significant attention in recent years, as these estates are known as places where the units located in contribute to increase production and preserve the environment while providing more employment by using modern technical knowledge through production in narrow spaces, with limited water, and soilless cultivation. in farming estates, mainly in the form of greenhouse estates, the essential managerial skills, including technical, human, and perceptual skills, which are based on the mutual impacts of different components, are very important. risk management in terms of scope, platform, competence, processes and tools, quality and consultation, language, recommendations, conflict of interests, and inappropriate use, are considered objectives in those places. practitioners in this field consider various types of decision-making in risk management, including (i) strategic decisions, (ii) operational decisions, and (iii) administrative decisions in order to control the minimum reduction of the negative impacts of risks in agricultural activities.
کلیدواژه risk management ,agriculture ,farming estates ,greenhouse estates
آدرس agricultural research center, pesticides analysis research department, central agricultural pesticides laboratory, egypt, agricultural, res. center, res. inst., agriculture research station,res. dept., horticulture, egypt

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