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   exploring the effective factors on innovation capacity among managers in kharkiv municipality management of fruit and vegetable organization  
نویسنده pavlichenko b. ,hryhoriev a. ,kryvenko m.
منبع agricultural marketing and commercialization journal - 2022 - دوره : 6 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:37 -50
چکیده    The objective of the present study was to explore the influential factors on innovation capacity among managers in kharkiv municipality management of fruit and vegetable organization. this study is an applied survey using a descriptive correlational method. the population included all managers in the kharkiv municipality management of fruit and vegetable organization (200 people). based on cochran’s sample size formula, 125 people were selected as the study’s sample using simple random sampling. two researcher-made questionnaires were used for data collection. the questionnaire for evaluating innovation included 62 items. the questionnaire on influential factors on innovation capacity included sections on economic factors (8 items), educational factors (9 items), policy-making factors (9 items), sociocultural factors (16 items), and managerial factors (20 items). face and content validity were confirmed based on the experts’ opinions, and cronbach’s alpha for research variables was estimated at more than 0.7. correlation coefficient, multiple regression, kruskal–wallis test, and mann-whitney u test were used for data analysis through spss software. the findings indicated that policy-making factors (0.723), sociocultural factors (0.494), educational factors (0.462), managerial factors (0.191), and age (0.179) have a significantly positive relationship with innovation capacity from the perspective of managers in kharkiv municipality management of fruit and vegetable organization at the level of 0.99. there was a significant difference between managers’ innovation capacity with different positions, gender, attendance in in-service training courses, and employment method in terms of innovation capacity at the error level of 5 percent.
کلیدواژه educational factors ,innovation capacity ,kharkiv municipality management of fruit and vegetable organization policymaking factors ,sociocultural factors
آدرس kharkiv national agrarian university named after v.v. dokuchaev, ukrain, kharkiv national agrarian university named after v.v. dokuchaev, ukrain, national university of life and environmental sciences, ukrain

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