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   interaction of underground tunnel and existing shallow foundations affected by normal faults  
DOR 20.1001.2.9819010854.1398.8.1.480.7
نویسنده ghavami sadegh ,saeedi azizkandi alireza ,baziar mohammad hasan ,rajabi mehrdad
منبع كنفرانس بين المللي زلزله شناسي و مهندسي زلزله - 1398 - دوره : 8 - هشتمین کنفرانس زلزله شناسی و مهندسی زلزله - کد همایش: 98190-10854 - صفحه:1 -7
چکیده    In major earthquakes, permanent ground deformations due to fault movements cause serious damage to the foundations and structures. although many of structural seismic design codes have recommended avoiding the construction of structures in the adjacent to active faults, it is not always a viable option. for example, the lifeline facilities such as gas tunnels, water supply tunnels and transportation tunnels, due to their extensive length, often cannot avoid crossing active faults. therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the interaction mechanism between structures and fault rupture for effective design to reduce the hazards associated with surface faulting. this study investigates the interactions of underground tunnel and existing shallow foundation affected by normal fault using the finite element method. the results show that the existence of a tunnel changes the fault rupture path and in some cases can increase the foundation rotation. it causes to occur severe level of damage to the structure and increases fear about its instability.
کلیدواژه normal fault ,shallow foundation ,underground tunnel ,interaction
آدرس iran university of science and technology, iran, iran university of science and technology, iran, iran university of science and technology, iran, islamic azad university, south tehran branch, iran
پست الکترونیکی mehrdadrajabi1368@gmail.com

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