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   analysis of interleukin-10 gene polymorphisms in patients with idiopathic chronic urticarial in east-azerbaijan  
DOR 20.1001.2.9920068682.1399.1.1.450.4
نویسنده ghasemzadeh sahel ,khalili soroor ,tahmasebi hossein ,akbari asl elham
منبع ژنتيك ايران - 1399 - دوره : 16 - شانزدهمین کنگره و چهارمین کنگره بین المللی ژنتیک ایران - کد همایش: 99200-68682
چکیده    Background and aim: idiopathic chronic urticaria (icu), is the most common form of chronic urticaria. because the hives are multifactorial diseases, several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the cause of the disease, especially genetic polymorphism plays an important role in inflammatory disorders. the aim of this study was to evaluate polymorphism (rs1800896 - 1087) il -10 in relation to the chronic urticarialmethods: a total of 100 patients with chronic urticaria and 100 control were studied. dna was extracted from the plasma of patients by dna extraction kit (sinaclon-iran). polymorphism (rs1800896 - 1087) il -10 was investigated by rflp pcr.results: out of 100 patients with chronic urticaria, 29 (29%), 52 (52%), and 19 (19%) sample had gg, ag, and aa, respectively. in the control group, 29 (29%), 22 (22%) and 49 (49%) had gg, ag and aa, respectively. data analysis showed a significant relation (p =0.009) between the polymorphism (rs1800896 - 1087) with the chronic urticaria. aa genotype had a significant relation with chronic urticaria disease (p =0.004 and or =4.052). between ag genotype and chronic urticaria (p = 0.003 and or = 0.547), there was a significant relationship but in the opposite. there was no relation with gg and disease (or = 0.699; p = 0.541).conclusion: the results confirm other studies of polymorphisms in genes involved in chronic inflammatory diseases. these results show the different roles of genes among different ethnic groups and different polymorphisms that can explain various clinical protests.
کلیدواژه hives ,chronic urticaria ,il-10 ,polymorphism
آدرس ahar branch, islamic azad university, iran, zanjan branch, islamic azad university, iran, ahar branch, islamic azad university, iran, science and research branch, islamic azad university, iran

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