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   traditional and integrative medicine   
سال:2023 - دوره:8 - شماره:3

  tick  applications of phytomedicines in chondrocytes and osteocytes regeneration therapy: pre-clinical and clinical studies - صفحه:299-315

  tick  chronic kidney disease and its comparison with hozal-e-kolye in persian medicine - صفحه:292-298

  tick  evaluating the protective effect of ailanthus altissima (mill.) swingle in a rat model of acetic acid-induced ulcerative colitis - صفحه:233-242

  tick  evaluation of a persian natural topical medicine based on sesame oil on mild-to-moderate outpatient coronavirus disease-19 patients: a randomized triple-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial - صفحه:249-255

  tick  improper use of traditional medicine anbar nesara for wound infection: a case report - صفحه:275-277

  tick  isaaq ibn imran, a physician of north africa with a look at his first independent work fi al-mālikholiā (melancholy) - صفحه:326-332

  tick  letter to the editor: challenges on adherence to lifestyle interventions in integrative medicine clinical trials - صفحه:230-232

  tick  protective effect of vitis gracilis wall (vitaceae) leaf decoction on sexual vitality and testis of alloxan-induced diabetic mice - صفحه:256-268

  tick  relationship between personal temperaments based on the traditional medicine knowledge and lichen planus and lichenoid reaction disorders - صفحه:243-248

  tick  role of nigella sativa l. in the management of osteoarthritis: a systematic review - صفحه:278-291

  tick  soft tissue manipulation and naprapathy: origins and current practices - صفحه:316-325

  tick  the efficacy of cichorium intybus l., trigonella foenum-graecum l. and foeniculum vulgare mill. in improvement of ulcerative colitis symptoms: a randomized clinical trial - صفحه:269-274

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