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   traditional and integrative medicine   
سال:2022 - دوره:7 - شماره:3

  tick  abu reyhan biruni (973-1048 ce): the pioneer in clarifying the role of pharmacy in medical practice - صفحه:357-360

  tick  an evidence-based review on selected traditional formulations against pediculosis - صفحه:342-349

  tick  biochemical approach to the hotness and coldness of mizaj in persian medicine: a cross-sectional survey in the healthy population - صفحه:268-274

  tick  changes in color of urine in the patients on concoctive (munzij) therapy : an observational study - صفحه:282-286

  tick  chemical composition, total phenolic content, and anti-ulcerative colitis effects of extract and essential oil of cupressus arizonica greene fruits - صفحه:310-318

  tick  concept of food in persian medicine - صفحه:350-356

  tick  development and validation of the “treatment satisfaction with traditional medicines” questionnaire (tstmq) - صفحه:302-309

  tick  editorial: case reports in traditional and integrative medicine - صفحه:266-267

  tick  electrospun poly vinyl alcohol fiber containing lawsonia inermis l.: a promising effect on burn wound - صفحه:275-281

  tick  ethnomedicinal documentation of folk medicinal plants used by tribal communities living in the selected villages of pushprajgarh block of anuppur district, madhya pradesh, central india - صفحه:319-341

  tick  evaluation of the effect of alkaloid berberine on the positive and negative symptoms of the patients with schizophrenia: a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial - صفحه:287-293

  tick  the efficacy of hot footbath in hospitalized covid-19 patients: an open-label randomized controlled trial - صفحه:294-301

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