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   traditional and integrative medicine   
سال:2022 - دوره:7 - شماره:2

  tick  assessment of awareness, attitude and performance of surgical team about medicinal plants use by candidate patients for surgery - صفحه:203-208

  tick  effect of carthamus tinctorius l. (safflower) on national institute of health stroke scale scores of ischemic stroke patients: a pilot clinical trial - صفحه:209-216

  tick  fine-humor producing materia medica in persian medicine - صفحه:244-253

  tick  herbal medications to manage insomnia: an overview of clinical trials using herbal treatment for insomnia - صفحه:254-265

  tick  investigation of in vitro wound healing activity of polygonatum orientale desf. rhizome - صفحه:231-243

  tick  letter to the editor: the probable effect of “abrus pulchellus subsp. cantoniensis (hance) verdc.” on covid-19 - صفحه:159-160

  tick  pro-sexual effects of aqueous and methanol extracts of phyllanthus muellerianus (kuntze) exell (phyllanthaceae) on a model of low sexual desire disorder in female rats - صفحه:217-230

  tick  protective effect of nanoparticles of oleoresin of pistacia atlantica var. mutica against acetic acid-induced ulcerative colitis in rats - صفحه:161-170

  tick  the effect of compound honey syrup on clinical manifestation of the adult asthma patients: a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial - صفحه:195-202

  tick  the effect of zataria multiflora boiss. mouthwash on the oral microbial load in patients under mechanical ventilation: a randomized controlled trial - صفحه:187-194

  tick  the effects of ear acupressure on back pain after coronary angiography: a randomized controlled trial - صفحه:180-186

  tick  the efficacy of vaginal suppository based on alcea angulata freyn & sint. (a persian medicine product) in patients with vaginal atrophy: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial - صفحه:171-179

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