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   A Simple One-Dimensional Model for Investigation of Heat and Mass Transfer Effects on Removal Efficiency of Particulate Matters in a Venturi Scrubber  
منبع iranian journal of chemical engineering - 2009 - دوره : 6 - شماره : 4 - صفحه:3 -14
چکیده    In the present study a mathematical model is developed in order to examine the effectsof heat and mass transf ers on removal efficiency ofparticulate matters in venturi typescrubbers. the governing equations including the variations of the particulateconcentration, gas temperature, droplet temperature, diameter, and velocity areobtained based on the conservation laws and are solved numerically. in order tovalidate the model, necessary data was measured and collected in a commercial cementplant that uses these types of scrubbers in air pollution control applications. a goodagreement between plant data and the model predictions is noticed in general. theresults obtained from the model reveal that the existance of temperature differencebetween the gas and the liquid droplets decreases the overall removal efficiency ofparticulate matters. this is due to sudden reduction ofrelative velocity between the gasand droplets which is resulted from the existence ofheat and mass transf ers between thetwo flu ids, especially in the throat section. in addition, the effects of various operatingparameters on the extent ofreduction in the removal efficiency are examined. this studyconfirms that in most industrial applications ofventuri scrubbers it is necessary to use adirect or an indirect cooling tower in order to decrease the gas temperature bef oreentering the venturi.
کلیدواژه Venturi scrubber ,Evaporation ,Condensation ,Mathematical model

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