vulvovaginitis in girls: clinico-psychological aspect
tolstova a.s. ,labzina m.v. ,labzina l. ya ,tokareva n.g. ,nechaikin a.s.
journal of medicinal and chemical sciences - 2021 - دوره : 4 - شماره : 4 - صفحه:404 -410
Women, particularly healthy women, need medical attention in order to carry out their sexual and reproductive functions safely and effectively. there has been a massive expansion of health technology and health systems in the second half of this century to provide women with many aspects of reproductive health care. there are numerous problems related to the impairment of women's reproductive health during the infancy or teenage years. the great importance among gynecological pathologies assigns to vulvovaginitis. it is the most frequent reason for visits to children's gynecologists. the development of the disease is promoted by anatomo-physiological features of a girl`s genital tracts before puberty, bacterial and viral agents, the neglect of personal hygiene rules, helminthic invasion, allergic disorders, endocrine pathology. during the course of medical-preventive and rehabilitation actions for vulvovaginitis in girls, a special approach requires psychological support, which is built on the root causes of their problems, and various health-related aspects, since in no other field is the relationship between psychology and physiology as close as in the field of sexuality and the reproductive health. thus, the studying of clinical-psychological features of vulvovaginitis remains relevant since it helps to prevent critical consequences during the formation of the reproductive system.
adolescent girls ,inflammatory disease ,reproductive function ,vulvovaginitis
fsbei he national research mordovian state university named after n. p. ogaryova, medical institute, russia, fsbei he national research mordovian state university named after n. p. ogaryova, medical institute, russia, fsbei he national research mordovian state university named after n. p. ogaryova, medical institute, russia, fsbei he national research mordovian state university named after n. p. ogaryova, medical institute, russia, fsbei he national research mordovian state university named after n. p. ogaryova, medical institute, russia
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