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   network analysis of interpersonal relationships in tehran stock exchange  
نویسنده nazemi amin ,sadeghzadeh maharluie mohammad ,taghizadeh reza
منبع advances in mathematical finance and applications - 2021 - دوره : 6 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:43 -55
چکیده    The stock market has an important role in growth and development of countries. network analysis is one of the latest method in analyzing the stock market. in quantitative science literature, it is a new concept for a macro view to whole market. therefore, this research analyzes the interpersonal relationships’ network in the tehran stock exchange (tse). from the type of data collected and analyzed point of view, this study is a quantitative research in network analysis domain. the research period is from 2013 to 2017. softwares such as premap and ucinet used for analyzing data. the research results indicated that some individuals, in comparison with others, have a better position in communicative networks. having better position has caused these individuals to encounter fewer mediators in gaining access to others, and in turn easier access to available resources. in addition, their ability in gaining access to information enhanced via the cluster of network members. therefore, it might be concluded that these individuals are key actors in governing structure of the tse. furthermore, this network follows a kind of bus morphology i.e. individuals act as a bridge for other units and connect them to the core of the communication network.
کلیدواژه board members ,ceos ,network analysis ,tehran stock exchange
آدرس university of shiraz, school of economics, management and social science, department of accounting, iran, university of shiraz, school of economics, management and social science, department of accounting, iran, university of yazd, faculty of economics, management and accounting, department of accounting, iran
پست الکترونیکی rezataghizadeh@yazd.ac.ir

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