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   students’ mathematical reasoning ability viewed from personality type rationaland idealist  
نویسنده akrom muhamad ,triyanto ,nurhasanah farida
منبع international journal of multicultural and multireligious understanding - 2020 - دوره : 7 - شماره : 11 - صفحه:132 -139
چکیده    This finds out about pursuits to (1) describe the mathematical reasoning ability of high schoolstudents as viewed from the rational and idealist personality types; (2) knowing the causes of students'errors in answering questions. this type of research is qualitative research. the subjects of this researchwere eleventh-grade students of high school 1 wanasaba east lombok. determination of the concernusing purposive sampling. data collection methods used personality tests and mathematical reasoningexams on trigonometric material. the outcomes of this study indicate that both rational and idealistpersonality types are capable of substantiating and equally incapable of making logical conclusions.students with rational and idealist personality types do not meet the indicators of making logicalconclusions because the subject is wrong in giving argument formulation because they do not master theconcept of arbitrary cosine triangle rule. students with the rational personality type can performcalculations based on certain rules or formulas, while students with the idealist personality type areunable. this is because the idealist personality kind students use the wrong formula in the problemsolvingprocess. after all, the situation does not understand the concept of arbitrary sine and cosinetriangle rules. the idealist personality type student can predict the answer and the solution process, whilethe rational personality type is unable. this is because students with the rational personality type answernot to the desired answer to the question. after all, they do not understand the query from the question.
کلیدواژه mathematical reasoning ,causative factors ,rational personality type ,idealist personality type
آدرس sebelas maret university, indonesia, sebelas maret university, indonesia, sebelas maret university, indonesia

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