international journal of supply and operations management
سال:2019 - دوره:6 - شماره:3
a multi-objectives weighting genetic algorithm for scheduling resource-constraint project problem in the presence of resource uncertainty
- صفحه:213-230
an integrated mc-hflts & mairca method and application in cargo distribution companies
- صفحه:276-281
innovative study of epq model with time induced demand under decline release
- صفحه:264-275
optimizing the safety stock with guaranteed service model in reverse logistics considering internal and external returns
- صفحه:188-199
pricing, service and discount policies for substitutable products in a supply chain with the game theoretical approach
- صفحه:245-263
stochastic maximum flow network interdiction with endogenous uncertainty
- صفحه:200-212
towards identification of the hierarchical link between industry 4.0, smart manufacturing and smart factory: concept cross-comparison and synthesis
- صفحه:231-244
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