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   antecedents of destructive organizational and administrative behaviors and the management model to reduce such behaviors based on social exchange theory by meta-synthesis method  
نویسنده shahbazi mohsen ,sohrabi shahla ,asadi esmail
منبع iranian journal of educational sociology - 2022 - دوره : 5 - شماره : 4 - صفحه:129 -141
چکیده    Purpose: organizational and administrative destructive behaviors cause many direct and indirect costs on organizations and reduce organizational progress. therefore, the objective of this study was to identify antecedents of destructive organizational and administrative behaviors based on social exchange theory by meta-synthesis method. methodology: this study was developmental in terms of objective, cross-sectional in terms of time, and qualitative in terms of data collection. the field of research included 582 articles on destructive organizational and administrative behaviors during 2000-2022. the research sample included 55 articles selected by purposive sampling method and according to inclusion criteria. the data were collected by note-taking (validity was confirmed by the triangulation method and reliability was estimated to be 0.89 by the cohen's kappa coefficient) and analyzed by content analysis using the seven-step meta-synthesis method of sandelowski and barroso (2007). findings: the results showed that the antecedents of destructive organizational and administrative behaviors based on social exchange theory had two main categories and six subcategories. each of the two categories of facilitating antecedents and inhibiting antecedents included three subcategories of behavioral factors, structural factors, and contextual factors. finally, given the categories and subcategories, a model of the antecedents of destructive organizational and administrative behaviors based on social exchange theory was drawn. conclusion: the model of antecedents of organizational and administrative destructive behaviors based on social exchange theory designed in the present study can be used as a tool for strategic planning in the field of organizational and administrative destructive behaviors.
کلیدواژه destructive organizational behaviors ,social exchange theory ,meta-synthesis ,facilitating antecedents ,inhibiting antecedents
آدرس islamic azad university, roudehen branch, department of public administration, iran, islamic azad university, central tehran branch, department of public administration, iran, shahid sattari aviation university, department of management, iran
پست الکترونیکی dr.asadi.sru@gmail.com

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